Please help our Heroes!
Once again, we are participating in the Ride to Recovery's 2018 New Hampshire Honor Ride to raise money for our veterans and we need your help. Consider the following facts given by the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the National Center for PTSD:
On average, every 65 minutes a military veteran or active military member commits suicide.
Over 1 million veterans have been injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
As many as 1 in 5 veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
We believe that this organization gives our veterans an incredible recovery program using bicycles to rehabiliate and reintegrate our Heroes. Cycling has become a huge part of our lives and we feel strongly that it can also bring success to our injured Veterans who have given our country so much.
Therapeutic cycling, a signature Project Hero program, plays a major role in helping veterans rehabilitate both mentally and physically. To ensure everyone can participate in therapeutic cycling, Project Hero has built and provided adaptive bikes that accommodate all forms of physical limitations.
We are raising funds so that more injured veterans can participate in these free, life-changing programs and improve their mental and physical health and wellness. Your donation will help us save lives by restoring hope and purpose for our nation's healing heroes. Our Veterans often suffer from visible and invisible wounds as they return to us after their service, which affects both the veteran and their families. We need to provide the help they need and honor these heroes, as they have given us so much.
Please donate anything you can! Your donation goes directly to services for our veterans.
Donations can be made on line through my Personal Page
or directly by check made out to Project Hero with my name on the memo line. Attached is a form to include with your check. Additional info on this organization can be obtained at
Thank you so very much,
Julie & Bob Weaver

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