2018 Honor Ride/Help Me Celebrate My 50th Birthday by giving back to Veterans of NH
This will be my third year riding the Honor Ride, but my fourth year helping behind the scenes. This year if falls on my 50th birthday, so I'm hoping that friends and family will consider donating to the awesome cause. I have many family members that have served in some form of the military and this is such a great cause. For every dollar donated .90 cents goes into developing programs to help our Veterans, THIS IS AWESOME! The Honor Ride Staff are full of dedication and love to making every event they sponsor a success. So please, help us to continue to make this grow! Thank you to all that donate to this!!!!
Dress a Vet
I raised enough to provide a veteran with special cycling clothes
Self Donor
I supported this event with a gift
My Fundraising Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Paul Raymond
Dave and Julia
Crowell Construction
Michele Anctil
Lori Cooner
Derek & Morgan Villett
Heather Bingham
Kyle Bingham
Stacie Tripp
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